At long last dear readers…. I can say I am writing this mailer from my kitchen table IN OUR NEW HOUSE! You can read all previous installments of How (not) to build a house and how we finally got to this point on my blog.
It is 15 months and 8 days later than planned, but we are IN. Even though we were only moving a few hundred metres away, it has of course still turned our lives upside down, but for the most part I am happy to report that we are over the moon with it. I think we got so bogged down with all the problems, we had lost sight of the fact that we were building a real actual house! I am currently having that surge of joy you experience when you have a shiny new ‘thing’, but times 100, and on steroids.
There is so much to say this week, but here is a quick summary;
1. First up is our new bathroom. Words can’t describe the joy of having an en suite that I am no longer sharing with teenagers. Gone are the queues and shouts for everyone to ‘hurry up in there!’. And our bathroom really is a thing of beauty. I LOVE my slightly full on tiles, and am so pleased with the very sophisticated bathroom cabinet that my husband cleverly found online and then covered the glass with frosted film.
2. The copper worktop. When first installed it looked like it wouldn’t go amiss in Trump Towers it was so bling (the idea being that it would age over time). I am finding it strangely thrilling that every single spoon or cup I put down on, it is leaving a mark, which is contributing to a beautiful patination. The warm coppery colour is definitely making me feel contented and glowy.
3. All the surface space in the kitchen AND my beautiful quartzite! I was so used to having the size of pocket handkerchief to prepare food on that I had actually started to really hate cooking. I might even start to have dinner parties again! I have zero regrets of splashing out so crazily on this quartzite, it is quite literally rock hard and in contrast to the copper, nothing seems to mark it.